Our Products
Our Modules
Alerts Module
This feaure allows users to check New Campaigns Launched as per media monitored.
Adview Module
This Feature allows the user to see all the available commercials ads digitally whether it is a T.V, Press, Outdoor or Radio commercial.
Daily Log Module
This Feature allows the user to see the detailed result and daily control as per media monitored captured by our system (TV, Print, Radio).
Competitive Module
This feature shows users all necessary details about a running campaign, used as a certificate appearance of any campaign on any media.
Export Data Module
This feature allows the user to export the data in raw available format(TXT) coming from all modules available without the visuals from the Ads.
Our STATEX Services
STATEX Online Monitoring
The STATEX Online Monitoring tool used for monitoring Online Campaigns/Ads across monitored websites, with the help of Robots.
The Web Version of STATEX which incorporates all features from the Desktop Version on a new design and website browser access.

How it works

AD Crawler visits websites from different parts of the region.

Crawling into each Website continuously throughout the day.

Crawlers visit 100+ Top websites in each country.

Crawlers automatically identify posted ads on those websites.

Ads are Validated & Classified using standard classifications.

The results are Instantly updated Live on the Platform.
Ipsos monitors 7 countries across MENA

The data on Statexis retrieve instantly and on real time.

StatexOnline captures ads on social media.

The dashboard reports metrics, such as: Impressions, active campaigns, analysis of visuals and sub-brands.

A heat map of visual locations shows where the visuals were displayed in the website.

Users can export any table or graph that is displayed to an Excel, Word and PPT format and later on, edit all data.

Statex Online
Ipsos is the currency of measuring and monitoring ads on traditional media in the Mena region. With over 27 years of experience and global presence, Ipsos is committed to move rapidly and expand its technology to adapt and enhance its portfolio of offerings.

Ipsos aims to provide a new digital tool that will allow its clients to have accurate details of the digital media market.
Statex Online is a newly introduced competitive data intelligence tool for online advertising. It allows the professionals to have valuable information about their campaigns performance and analyzing their competitor’s digital strategies and investments.
Through the reporting tool Statex; Ipsos will provide the industry with 360 degree analysis combining offline media and online media volume.